The Art of Selfishness: How To Deal With the Tyrants and the Tyrannies in Your Life by David Seabury
The Art of Selfishness: How To Deal With the Tyrants and the Tyrannies in Your Life
Psychologist David Seabury offers timeless advice in this classic self help guide. Dr. Seabury counsels the reader toward a healthier approach to life. A best seller when it was first published, it is filled with thought-provoking and engaging stories taken from Seabury's decades of practice. Written in a period, similar to today, when the finding personal happiness was especially challenging. Dr. Seabury presents a bold and fresh perspective for achieving personal empowerment and a vibrant way to care for family, friends, and, of course, yourself.
You'll find advice on:
The 7-Step Thinking Plan
8 Ways to Assure Restful Sleep
34 Effective Ways for Solving Problems
12 Basic Needs You Must Not Be Denied
22 Easier Ways of Living
6 Ways to Win by Yielding
12 Mistakes to Avoid Making
7 Ways to Quarrel Effectively
12 Steps for Easing Out of Trouble
8 False Premises and How They Work
5 Ways to Avoid Brain Fatigue
And hundreds of other suggestions.
Dr Seabury presents a strong case for healthy self-respect. His approach to interpersonal relationships, based on "never compromise yourself," presents a fresh approach to a more fulfilling and engaged lifestyle. Everyone wishing to take better care of themselves and those they love will want to keep this book close at hand.