How You Can Help Other People by Samuel M. Shoemaker
How You Can Help Other People by Samuel M. Shoemaker.
This printing of the book was published by Lay Renewel Publications in Atlanta, Georgia. There is an introduction by Ben C. Johnson, Director The Institute of Church Renewal in Atlanta, Georgia. This printing is undated. Copyright, 1946, by E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. This edition published by arrangement with E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., New York, New York.
This book is in very good condition. The front cover has a stain. The book is fully intact, pages are clean with normal toning for its age.
About the book:
"None of us knows enough about helping people. But we shall not learn more about it until we begin to do it. A need faces us today perhaps greater than any that we have ever known. It should enlist the sympathy and interest and active cooperation of all who believe that the mind and the spirit of man are at least as important his body…
Thousands of men are coming back who will need, not only medical and psychological help, but a deep understanding on the part of all those with whom they come in contact… This is a time of great moral and emotional crisis for millions, and we must give in unprecedented ways. As heathy people in wartime give blood to save wounded bodies, so emotionally healthy people must give friendship and understanding to repeir wounded minds and spirits... To a spirit in utter darkness and despair, it is not bare knowledge that matters, it is the love and faith of others."
Sam Shoemaker is well known in the recovery community as he was AA cofounder Bill Wilson’s spiritual advisor during the vital pioneering days of AA. Bill W. wrote: “Dr. Sam Shoemaker was one of A.A.’s indispensables. Had it not been for his ministry to us in our early time, our Fellowship would not be in existence today.”
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