Come Wind, Come Weather by Daphne Du Maurier - 1940
Come Wind, Come Weather by Daphne Du Maurier
New and Revised Edition from November 1940. This is a rare Oxford Group, Moral Re-Armament book.
Here is the authors dedication from the front of the book:
“I want to thank all the workers for Moral Re-Armament among whom are the living characters in these stories. The work they are doing up and down the country in helping men and women to solve their problems and prepare for the great struggle that lies ahead will prove to be of national importance in the stormy days to come.”
About this book from the information on the back cover:
”As Britain once more faces the danger of invasion, many people are earnestly asking themselves, is the spirit of Drake and Nelson and the other men who made our country great, still alive? Or has the mentality of "Safety First" eaten into the national life, and produced a mediocre breed of Englishmen?
"I believe that the old spirit of England still lurks in the hearts and minds of every man and woman in this island," says Miss Daphne du Maurier. And in this unusual book, the author of " Rebecca " turns from fiction to write the true stories of some of these ordinary people who, while following the common round of day-by-day, have given their best to England, and done deeds of gallantry in their respective spheres. The mother who triumphed over bereavement, the East London grocer bringing co-operation between his competitors, the miner settling disputes at the pithead, and the woman who learnt how to change her " impossible" evacuees into useful citizens—all were able to turn the difficulties and worries of war-time into opportunities to spread a spirit of victory on the Home Front.
These stories, told in Miss du Maurier's inimitable style, have in them the secret of steadiness and inner strength on which the morale of Britain depends.”
This paperback book is in good condition with some minor wear to the cover and binding.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.