God Does Guide Us by W.E. Sangster
God Does Guide Us by W.E. Sangster.
This is a first printing from 1934.
This is a rare Oxford Group book in which the author focuses on the principle of “Guidance”.
About this book from the preface:
THE GROUP MOVEMENT has put the word "guidance" on the lips of all reflective Christians and made it a topic of keen debate. No part of the technique which the Movement has developed has been more earnestly defended by its supporters or challenged by its critics. The aim of this book is to explain and defend the "Group" view of guidance.
In my opinion, one of the chief services which this new tide of spiritual life is rendering to Christian people, is to make them explore again their resources in God and to see more clearly the implications of the faith they hold. Consequently, I have drawn my illustrations from beyond the borders of the Movement in an effort to show that a simple faith in particular guidance is as old and as wide as the Church itself and not just, as some have suggested, the invention of modern enthusiasts.
I hope also that the book will serve, in its modest way, to contradict the reiterated charge that the supporters of the Group Movement have done no thinking.
My warm thanks are due to five of my friends. Mr. W. E. Smith, who, together with other constant help, has typed the MS. The Revs. Leslie D. Weatherhead, M.A., F. B. Roberts, and J. E. Mattinson, B.D., who have made useful suggestions. And to Mr. T. Cyril Ellams, who has read the proofs.
Several of the chapters have appeared as articles in the "Group's" magazine.
This book is in very good condition. The cover shows minimal wear. Handwriting on the first page and title page. There is no other writing or markings in the book.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.