Innocent Men by Peter Howard - First Printing from 1941 - ODJ
Innocent Men by Peter Howard
This book is a First Printing from 1941 with the original dust jacket.
About this book:
“Peter Howard, journalist, set out to get a scoop. On the gossip of Fleet Street he expected to denounce a ring of doubtful characters in London. And he found-Innocent Men!
He found religious persecution. In war-time Britain, he found a group of patriotic men and women, thousands of them in the Services, who are being black-guarded, attacked, misrepresented. Howard got at the truth. He found-Innocent Men!
He brought to his task a sceptical eye. "My whole business for years," he says, "has been to drag the truth out of politicians reluctant to disclose it. I never begin an interview without expecting an attempt to put something over on me. I am on the look out."
Another thing happened.
Peter Howard set out to investigate—and was investigated. The scoop-hunt turned into an adventure which changed his whole way of life. Something more exciting than his old game of playing for England at Rugby football.
He found a programme for total defence well in its stride in Britain and America.
He found a new Britain in the making.
He found the first real prospect that, after all the blood and tears of this war are ended, a world different and better can be built.”
This book is in very good conditions. There is minimal wear to the cover. Pencil writing on the first page in the book. There is no other writing or markings inside the book. The original dust jacket has some edge wear.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.