Kingdom Come by Hugh Redwood - First Printing
Kingdom Come
A Case-Book of Conversion
by Hugh Redwood
This is First Printing with the original dust jacket.
“Another wonderful volume by the author of GOD IN THE SLUMS and GOD IN THE SHADOWS. While a deeper, more intimate study than either, it is as richly stored with thrilling incident, humor, tragedy and happiness.
Those who made the acquaintance of Peter Rawlings in GOD IN THE SHADOWS, will meet him here again, as Mr. Redwood traces his pilgrimage "along Nightmare Street helping men of simple faith to make it a Street of a Better Dream."
A heart-warming record of how a man, without in anyway losing touch with world affairs, or, withdrawing from the busy activities of daily life, has discovered all about him the rich realities of Christian experience.”
About Hugh Redwood:
“WE should like to add our good wishes to the great volume which Mr. HUGH REDWOOD has undoubtedly been receiving from all parts of the country sinoe the announcement made a few days ago of his appointment as Religious Editor of the News-Chronicle. This appointment dates from April 30, and the creation of such a post is, as far as we are aware, without precedent in this country. It is at once tribute to Mr. REDWOOD's evangelistic zeal and éffective Christian witness and a recognition on the part of the proprietors of that newspaper, of which he is at present Deputy Editor, of the increasing interest which is being taken by the general public in religion and the things of the spirit. An editorial note reminds us that sincehe published "God in the Slums" in 1930, Mr. REDWOOD has become the most widely-read lay evangelist writing in England to-day, and the sales of his books, in their English editions alone, exceed 600,000 copies. He is in constant demand as a speaker, and his pulpits are to be found alike in cathedrals and in the humbler meeting halls of the slums where his spiritual adventure began.”
This book is in very good condition. The cover has some wear and stains. There are some pen markings inside the book. The original dust jacket has some stains and edge wear.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.