Prayer and You by Helen Shoemaker
Prayer and You by Helen Smith Shoemaker With Introduction by E. Stanley Jones
This is a first printing published by Fleming H. Revell in New York in 1948. This book comes with the original dust jacket.
About this Book:
“Taking prayer out of the realm of pulpit oratory, this book is written to help the people in the pew lay their personal problems in the very lap of God. It is a book based on two tremendous convictions: that "when God wants me to do something, He always finds a way of letting me know about it," and that no matter how humble the petitioner he can through prayer help decide the way the world will go.
It is filled with people we all know — the boy in the Naval hospital, the housewife at her daily task, the worried mother, the lonely war-bride, the old man in his attic. For others like these, and for you and me, here are lessons in effective prayer...
Dr. Rufus M. Jones, the gentle Quaker leader so familiar with prayer, writes enthusiastically:
"It is a beautiful piece of work; it will bring encouragement and an increase in faith to all who read it."
The Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, the Right Reverend Henry Knox Sherrill, says: This book should be helpful to many, indeed, to all who would live in daily fellowship with God."
Here is the Introduction by E. Stanley Jones:
Anything that quickens the spirit of prayer within the human bosom is worth while-it is more, it is supremely worth while. For the supreme need of life is to feel that you are not alone, that you are working with some Reality at the heart of things, that a purpose is being worked out together.
Prayer brings that sense of togetherness with God—you and God work out life's purposes together. To learn to pray is to learn to live and to live abundantly.
Helen Shoemaker has helped in this little book to deepen the spirit of prayer within us. No one can read it without echoing the request of the disciples: "Lord, teach us to pray." For Helen Shoemaker herself embodies the theme of the book-she embodies the prayer spirit. Hence her life has within it a plus.
This book will quicken those who come in contact with it and quicken where it counts. For to pray or not to pray is to be or not to be.“
This book is in very good condition with minimal wear. There is some edge wear and tears to the dust jacket.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.