Reader’s Digest - My Name is Robert, I am an Alcoholic - November 1959
Reader’s Digest issue from November 1959 (Signed) includes the article My Name is Robert, I am an Alcoholic. This article first appeared in the magazine “Atlantic Monthly” in the September 1959 issue with the title Compulsive Drinker.
The anonymous author tells of his first AA meeting and how his despair as an alcoholic turned to good health and good times after his affiliation with AA. The article includes the stories of the author and other AA’s and a good description of a typical AA meeting.
This magazine is in excellent condition with no wear. There is pen writing at the top of the first page of the article. The article is on pages 209-214.
This magazine was signed by Jim Houck, Jim was an Oxford Group member and ex-drunk. Although I don’t think he ever considered himself a member of AA he did have a sobriety date which W’s 12/12/1934.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.