Release by Starr Daily
by Starr Daily
tells from personal experience how the power of love releases men and women from physical and spiritual bondage to victorious living.
This great human document, the autobiography of a confirmed criminal who spent twenty-five years in prison, gives a profound picture of the land and men "behind the bars."
Starr Daily traces his career from the days when he was a young adventurer through the time when he was condemned to life imprisonment after a series of crimes. His behavior while in prison was bitterly antisocial, and he was filled with hatred toward mankind.
Thus it was necessary to keep him in solitary confinement a good part of the time. Then something happened to him while he was in his solitude. He had a dramatic religious experience, and the subsequent struggle of the criminal mind to become peaceful through self-disci-pline and spiritual rebuilding is forcefully described. How the power of Christ's love finally triumphs and leads him in the direction of a more meaningful life is a vivid conclusion to this remarkable story.
The author has also written Love Can Open Prison Doors (published by the Melrose Press), which is now in its seventh edition.
Here is the Foreword by Glenn Clark
DANTE, after he has wandered afar in the fields of sorrow and sin, finds himself at last in the dark wood of despair.
Seeing a hill that seems to lead up toward the stars, he essays to climb it only to find his way blocked by his three sins of pride, avarice, and lust, which appear before him in the form of a lion, a wolf, and a leopard. While falling back in despair, there arrives a messenger "faint voiced through long silence," who tells him he is Virgil, sent from Hell to guide him to Paradise by the long and circuitous path of Hell and Purgatory. Then, with Virgil as guide, Dante is led through the deepest regions of horror and woe until he has seen all, suffered all, and been purged of all, and is ready at last to enter the path leading toward Paradise and the whirling stars.
Starr Daily, a Dante of modern times, has gone through the depths of sin and has suffered the purging fires before he could emerge from his wood of despair and see the stars.
He, too, had a guide through the Nether Regions, one who had also become "faint voiced through long silence." The philosophy of Virgil is milk for lambs compared with the strong meat found in the virile philosophy of the old liter.
Here is a character who is as quickening to new life and as inspiring in molding men as the good Bishop in Les Miserables. It is certainly a thrilling experience to sit humbly at the feet of a "lifer" in a penitentiary to get one's greatest vision of the power of the Love of God that one has ever experienced. Yet that is exactly what the reading of this book will mean for many people.
In Love Can Open Prison Doors,* Starr Daily shocked a sleeping Christendom into a new realization of the tremendous spiritual power lying latent in Jesus' way of life if we only practice it. It is difficult for those raised in sheltered Christian homes to appreciate how difficult it is to help those who come from the deepest valley of sin and suffering, those who have been immersed in the ditches of Malobolg. In this new book, Starr Daily covers the whole gamut of human needs. Out of the deepest pit of sin and the darkest valley of suffering, he comes to tell us of what he has seen and heard, in words that guide us safely over paths which he, himself, has trod. For not only has he traveled the road, but he has recorded his experiences and charted the way.