Sedatives and the Alcoholic - 1952
This is the AA Pamphlet titled Sedatives and the Alcoholic from 1952. This pamphlet was published by The Alcoholic Foundation through Works Publishing, Inc. This historical piece of AA takes on the issues that come with the use of sedatives by members of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Here is the Introductory Note inside the pamphlet:
“Alcoholics Anonymous exists for the sole purpose of helping problem drinkers to achieve and maintain sobriety. As a fellowship of more than 100,000 alcoholics who no longer drink, A.A. is concerned with other problems only to the extent that these problems affect the continued sobriety of present members —or the prospective sobriety of those who may turn to A.A. for help in the future.
The experience of A.A. members over a period of nearly twenty years suggests that sedatives constitute a problem of peculiar importance to alcoholics. As a result of this experience, and based on the increasing knowledge of sedatives being acquired by our friends in various fields of medicine, it is now apparent that certain limited observations on the subject may be helpful to both present and prospective members.
It cannot be emphasized too strongly that the material on the following pages relates only to those phases of the sedatives problem which affect the problem drinker. Medical literature on sedatives in the barbiturate group provides ample evidence of the depth and complexity of the general subject of sedatives. Contributions to public knowledge and understanding of sedatives have been made by a number of magazines and by the daily press and on the air.
Special viewpoints and interpretations of the problem have been offered by spiritual and legislative leaders.
While all this additional data may be valuable in the ultimate solution of the problem of sedatives, it lies outside the scope of this pamphlet. The objective here is to provide basic information on sedatives for the guidance of A.A. members and for others who have expressed an interest in the A.A. program of recovery from alcoholism.
If you are an alcoholic, you have a real stake in this information, even though you may never have taken even a single sleeping pill. As a member of A.A. you naturally want to avoid involvement in anything that might jeopardize your sobriety. If you are not yet familiar with the A.A. program but sincerely want to solve a drinking problem, your understanding of sedatives as they relate to alcoholism can be an important factor in helping you to achieve and maintain sobriety.
Perhaps your interest in this pamphlet stems from your desire to help a friend or loved one. If so, your opportunities for success may be enhanced by your increased appreciation of the factors involved when an alcoholic uses sedatives.
The main theme of this pamphlet can be stated briefly: Freedom from alcohol is only partial freedom for the alcoholic who persists in the use of sedatives or turns to them as a substitute for alcohol. For the alcoholic, the consequences of continued use of sedatives can be more serious than for the non-alcoholic. Experience shows that the end result too often is loss of sobriety (if he is already in A.A.), personal tragedy and the possible involvement of other alcoholics.
The unending campaign for increased awareness of the dangers inherent in promiscuous use of sedatives is being stepped up on many fronts.
This pamphlet is presented as A.A.'s particular contribution to greater understanding of this serious problem on the part of those for whom alcohol will always be personal problem number one.“
This pamphlet is in excellent condition and shows no wear. Please view all of the photos for the conditions.