Stepping Stones to Recovery by Bill Pittman - 1988
Stepping Stones to Recovery by Bill Pittman
Selected spiritual insights into recovery drawn from the membership of Alcoholics Anonymous over the past 50 years.
About this book from the Preface:
“The purpose of Stepping Stones To Recovery is to bring together ideas and ideals of the spiritual wisdom of the Twelve Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. I have been working on an annotated bibliography of the writings from and about Alcoholics Anonymous. While researching articles, books, pamphlets, journals, newsletters, etc. I became aware of the most frequently mentioned subject areas that non-AA and AA members write about. It is probably not surprising that these areas center around spirituality and these subjects have formed the chapter headings for this anthology. By including a number of articles on each subject a "group conscience" is reached which gives perspective and understanding to these major topic areas; Acceptance, Spirituality, Surrender, Prayer and Meditation, Slogans and Prayers.
This compilation is not intended to replace or compete with the "Big Book", 12 x 12, and literature from AA Headquarters, but to join other "helpful books" that AAs and members of various 12 Step programs may choose to read.
While Nell Wing, AA's first archivist and longtime secretary to Bill W., was researching the origins of the Serenity Prayer she wrote: "In any case, the Serenity Prayer, for almost forty years now, has become so deeply imbedded, so closely woven into the fabric, into the very tapestry of AA thinking, living, and into its philosophy that it's difficult to remember it did not originate from AA headquarters itself." This is also true of many of the articles, slogans and prayers that follow, which have been reprinted and repeated so often the original author and source is unclear. Every effort has been made to find this information, give proper credit, and secure copyright permission when necessary.
The articles from the non-AAs Shoemaker, Silkworth and Tiebout are included to add yet another dimension to the topics of this volume. More important are the outstanding writings of the women and men who are together "fellow travelers" on the spiritual path of recovery as suggested by the Alcoholics Anonymous program. Here, then, is a treasury of articles, slogans and prayers...Stepping Stones To Recovery.”
This is a first printing from 1988. The book cover has experienced some light wear and stains.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.