STOOLS AND BOTTLES 8th Printing - 1967
Daily Thoughts and Meditations for A. A. Members
Stated Eighth Printing. 1967 date on the Title and Copyright pages.
Penetrating insights into the first four Steps from a well-known A.A. talk. The author (Ed Webster, E.A.W.), who also wrote The Little Red Book, describes a three-legged stool, the legs of which represents Steps One, Two, and Three. An excellent aid to the daily application of the A.A. program. An all-time classic!
Below you can read the content at the front of this book:
This book is humbly dedicated to the members of Alcoholics Anonymous. Its purpose is to stimulate interest in the daily application of the A.A. program by which we arrest our alcoholism. May it help each member and render a special service to the newcomer to whom we are ever obligated to carry the message of the Twelve Steps.
Some years ago the author of "The Little Red Book" worked out a novel presentation of the first four steps of the A.A. program. Visual aids, consisting of a three-legged stool and eight empty whiskey bottles, were used to portray the intangible factors of these fundamental steps.
The three legs of the stool illustrated Steps 1-2-3. The bottles graphically depicted the character defects revealed by Step 4. Later this became known as the "Stool and Bottle Talk."
This talk proved so helpful to alcoholics in all stages of recovery that many groups asked that it be presented to their membership at special meetings. These requests were frequently granted, but it was impossible to meet most of them. Lack of time and money curtailed them to a great extent.
Members claimed cumulative benefits from these meetings. Visually impressed with the principles of Steps 1-2-3-4, they improved upon their daily use.
Invariably, duplicate sets of bottles and reprints of the talk were requested. Because the talk was extemporaneous, and the bottles too costly, these requests could not be met.
But now it is possible to give the highlights of the talk, and to present the "Stools and Bottles" in this book which bears their name. Study groups may find the matter helpful.
To meet our need for quiet periods of thought and prayer, the book provides thirty-one daily reminders. They deal with A.A. problems commonly encountered by alcoholics who try to make A.A. their way of life.
We wish to advise every new member to own and study the books, "Alcoholics Anonymous" and the "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions." In them we find the answers to our many alcoholic problems. They can be secured from the Alcoholics Anonymous Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 459, New York 17, New York.
Members who wish to complete their study of the mechanics of the 12 Steps, started in this book, will find them discussed in "The Little Red Book."
It explains the working principles of each step in greater detail than we have attempted to interpret them, with little duplication of the matter presented here. Copies are available from The Little Red Book, Main Post Office, Box 564, Minneapolis, Minn.
The issues in "Stools and Bottles" could not have been presented without the helpful guidance and constructive criticism of many A.A. members during its preparation.
These people are in no way responsible for errors in judgment and interpretation of the matters discussed in this book. Where error exists it reflects upon the judgment and fallibility of the author only.
Special thanks and appreciation go to the Alcoholics Anonymous Publishing, Inc., for their approval to quote from the 12 Steps of A.A. Grateful acknowledgment is also made for their permission to reprint the "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions" in the text of this book.
Full appreciation is expressed to Mr. Bennett Cerf for the story of the lumberjack taken from his Bantam book, "Anything for a Laugh." Its analogy has helped us to accentuate the alcoholic's inability to profit from past experience.
E. A. W.
This book is in fair condition. This printing features the image on the cover with the stool and three bottles(Anger, Self-Pity, and Fear). This book has experienced some wear and use. The spine cover has split and shows wear. A previous owner signed their name on the inside front cover. There are a few pages in the book that have stains. Green coated cloth boards show some wear. Gilt lettering on front cover and spine has some fading.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.