The Best of Bill - Large-print Edition - First Printing from 2005
The Best of Bill
This is the Large Print Edition, 1st Printing from 2005.
This book is a collection Bill Wilson’s writings that were originally published in the Grapevine. They include Reflections on Faith, Fear, Honesty, Humility, and Love. Plus Bill’s classic essay on Anonymity.
Here you can read the Foreword to learn more about this book:
“In 1935, a nondrinking alcoholic stockbroker from New York convinced a hungover alcoholic surgeon in Akron, Ohio, that he didn't have to drink anymore. From that historic meeting, a program of recovery for more than two million once hopeless alcoholics in more than 150 countries was to grow and flourish.
To encourage, inspire, and stay in touch with this growing and far-flung fellowship, which called itself Alcoholics Anonymous, co-founder Bill W. turned to the Grapevine, a magazine created in New York in 1944 by "six ink-stained wretches" as Bill once good-humoredly referred to the sober women who started it. Born to immediate and widespread acceptance, the new publication became "The International Monthly Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous." An energetic and prolific writer, Bill W. authored nearly 150 articles in the Grapevine. In its pages, he chronicled the events of AA's pioneer years, and out of that early, arduous process of trial and error, he derived the principles that would unite and sustain this extraordinary fellowship. Ranging over a wide variety of topics, from the basic principles of AA's Steps and Traditions to the personal search for "emotional sobriety," Bill's words hold meaning not only for AA members but for anyone on a spiritual quest.
In 1988, as a result of the many requests over the years for reprints of five of these articles — "Faith," "Fear, "Honesty," "Humility," and "Love" — a collection entitled The Best of Bill was compiled. The enduring popularity of this little booklet has prompted the current editors of the Grapevine to issue this handsome new gift edition. As a fitting complement to these inspiring reflections on the spiritual life, we have included Bill's classic essay Why Alcoholics Anonymous Is Anonymous.”
This book is in very good condition. There is no writing and no markings inside the book.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.