The Church and the Oxford Group by Emil Brunner - First Printing from 1937
The Church and the Oxford Group by Emil Brunner
This paperback book is First Printing from 1937 published by Hodder & Stoughton in London. The book was first written German and held copyright in Berlin. The book was translated to English by David Cairns.
This note is on the copyright page:
“The copyright of this book (including the translation rights) is held by the Furche Verlag G.M.B.H. Berlin; and it is with their authorisation that this English translation appears.”
“If it is true that the Church exists wherever Jesus Christ is present in his Word and his Spirit, then the question of the relationship of Church to Group Movement or of Group Movement to Church rests upon a fundamental misunderstanding. For the Oxford Group is, and wishes to be, nothing else than one of the weapons of the Church of Christ. Its aim is nothing else than to "secure the obedience of faith among all the nations," to "bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ," to be obedient to the missionary command of the Lord of the Church. The Church in attack, the missionary and evangelical Church, the Church in the pioneer phase, will always rather have the character of a "movement," while the more stable forms of the "Church" necessarily arise as a result of the development and consolidation of the already founded communities. Where the living Church of Christ is present, both these phases are present; expanding, conquering missionary work with its improvised forms, its guerilla warfare, its quickly mobile adaptation to new situations, and the careful, quiet, steady instruction and completion of solid communities with their steadfast traditions and proved organisations.”
This book is in very good condition for its age. The cover shows some minor wear and stains but remains fully intact and attached to the book. There is pen markings, underlining, and handwriting in the book.
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