The Common Sense of Drinking by Richard R. Peabody - 1933 - RDJ
The Common Sense of Drinking by Richard R Peabody - January 1933.
BOSTON, MASS: Little, Brown & Co., 1933
This is the Third Printing from January 1933. This book comes with a reproduction dust jacket.
Written by Richard Peabody in the early 1930s, "The Common Sense of Drinking" describes alcoholism and a method for its cure.
Richard R. Peabody 1892-1936
Richard R. Peabody was afflicted with alcoholism in young adulthood, which was exacerbated by his wartime experiences. He had served as a Captain in the United States Army's 15th Field Artillery, 2nd Division, AEF, during World War I. His disease led to the dissolution of his marriage. He became a disciple of the Emmanuel Movement, named for Boston's Emmanuel Church where clergy and lay practitioners reported success in treating alcoholics. He wrote "The Common Sense of Drinking," published by Little Brown in 1931, in which he was the first to state there was no cure for alcoholism.
However, Peabody's book is a secular treatment of the problem using psychology. The book was a best seller in the early 1930's and had a major influence on Alcoholics Anonymous founder Bill Wilson. The book's methods for the "cure" of alcoholism are as relevant today as they were in the 1930's.
When writing the book Alcoholics Anonymous Bill W. borrowed phrases from Peabody's book like as "once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic" and "half measures are of no avail." In addition the entire story of "a man of thirty-six years" contained in the chapter More About Alcoholism appears to have been borrowed from Peabody's book.
The book is in excellent condition. The cover shows little wear and a small stain on the spine. There is handwriting inside the front cover and underlining throughout the book. The book is fully intact with no torn or missing pages.
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