The Message of The Lord’s Prayer by Igor I. Sikorsky
The Message of The Lord’s Prayer by Igor I. Sikorsky
This book is dated 1944 on the title page and copyright page.
Here you can read the Preface to learn more about this book:
”FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL, men have associated the sun and stars directly or figuratively with the idea of Divine Providence. The light and life-supporting power of the sun, as well as the quiet and mysterious beauty of the stars, appeared to reflect the ways and the will of God. Mankind, for thousands of years, attempted to read and interpret this heavenly message. A child or a primitive human soul would understand this message in his own way and would be impressed by the calm simplicity beyond which he could feel the solemn, mysterious greatness. A modern person who tried to learn and to think about it would feel the same, but would also realize with awe the immensity, splendor and dynamic power of the material heaven-universe of God.
The ideas outlined above are somewhat similar to the impression created in my consciousness by the Lord's Prayer with reference to the unseen realities of the spiritual universe. The few brief sentences consisting of some sixty-six words are simple and can be understood by a child. But when one starts to think and to analyze them carefully, there gradually comes the realization of the overwhelming immensity of the message. There comes the understanding that the Lord's Prayer not only states all
that a human being should ask from his Creator, but indirectly throws light on several fundamental questions as to the meaning of our life, as well as our relation to God and the universe.
Besides being the fundamental Christian
prayer for the church and home, the Lord's Prayer was particularly intended for the individual human being and to be pronounced in privacy and solitude.
In verses immediately preceding the Text, we can read (Matthew 6:6):
"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret."
It would be difficult to emphasize more strongly that at least sometime a man must remain all alone and shut the door to outside influence when he boldly addresses this spiritual message directly to the Creator of the Universe.
Taking these instructions seriously, I started at a certain time in my life to study and analyze carefully the text of the Prayer in order to understand as much as I could the full meaning of the sentence which I was pro-nouncing. Often when walking alone through forests or climbing mountains, I thought about the great prayer until I began to realize that besides the direct meaning of the few outwardly simple sentences, the Prayer included indirectly a very extensive and profound message.
In the pages that follow, I have attempted to outline some personal ideas and conclusions on this subject.”
This book is in very good condition. There is some wear to the original dust jacket.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.