THE MYSTERY OF MORAL RE-ARMAMENT: A Study of Frank Buchman and His Movement by Tom Driberg - Signed
THE MYSTERY OF MORAL RE-ARMAMENT: A Study of Frank Buchman and His Movement by Tom Driberg
This book is a first printing published by SECKER & WARBURG in London in 1964.
This book has been inscribed and signed by the author on the first page.
“Most people have heard vaguely of the movement called Moral Re-Armament (MRA) or seen its full-page advertise-ments; but to most (other than its supporters or former supporters) it remains a mystery.
Tom Driberg has studied its development since he first encountered it as a young reporter: in those days it was called the Oxford Group and was often involved in controversy-not least when its founder, Dr Frank Buchman, returned in 1936 from a visit to Nazi Germany and said in a newspaper interview: 'I thank heaven for a man like Adolf Hitler... Mr Driberg and other critics of MRA have been accused by its spokesmen of quoting these words out of context. In this book he provides the full context, with pungent analytical comment.
In order to gather material for this book, Mr Driberg visited Pennsylvania, where Dr Buchman was born, and talked with people who had known him since his and their youth-at his home-town, at the college and Lutheran seminary at which he was educated, and in Philadelphia. The opening chapters of the book are thus, in effect, a biography-the fullest that has appeared—of the founder of a remarkable religious movement which has developed, in a few decades, into a world-wide ideological crusade with immense resources.
In the main, however, the book is a critique of the movement itself. Mr Driberg concedes what he believes can be said in its favour, but holds that the harm outweighs the good and, in particular, that MRA's claims to have solved many political and industrial problems are exaggerated. He discusses its approach to the Labour Movement and the Churches, in Britain and elsewhere, its special techniques of Guidance and Sharing, and the Four Absolutes which are its basic principles; and attempts some answer to the questions often asked about it— 'Where does all the money come from?' and 'What are they really after?'
This book is in excellent condition with minimal wear.
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