The Oxford Group and it’s Work of Moral Re-Armament - May 1954
The Oxford Group and it’s Work of Moral Re-Armament with a Foreword by Sir Lyndon Macassey.
The book was first published in April 1954 by The Oxford Group in London. This is a second printing from May 1954.
From the Foreword:
“This book does not purport to be anything in the nature of a comprehensive history of the Oxford Group or an argued justification of its fundamental principles, still less a detailed description of its methods of carrying out its Christian mis-sion; nor does it attempt to describe the many ways in which the Group pursues all its correlated activities and organises its world-wide expansion and prosecutes its campaign of Moral Re-Armament in the 118 countries in which it is now active. To cover all those matters with completeness would require a large volume, even if the great mass of available material were reduced into a practical compass.
What is intended is only to provide, in simple language and in accurate form, factual and authoritative information sufficient to enable all who are prepared to consider it with open minds to form a fair-minded opinion about what the Oxford Group is victoriously accomplishing through its work, and help them to appreciate the great international response the work has evoked and to see for themselves the Power that is behind it. Particularly is that necessary in view of the way in which the work is being directly and insidiously attacked by the Communists and decried by their "fellow travellers" in every country, assailed as it is by the same materialistic onslaught as are all other religious and democratic movements that seek foremost the moral and spiritual good of humanity.”
This book is in fair condition. The cover and spine shows wear and needs to be handled gently. The book is complete with no missing pages. There is no writing or markings inside the book.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.