The Search for Serenity by Lewis Presnall- 1959
The Search for Serenity and how to achieve it by Lewis F. Presnall. A helpful guide for anyone seeking peace of mind in this troubled world of tensions - pressures - fears.
This is a first printing paperback book from 1959.
Learn more about this book from the Foreword by Lewis Presnall:
Some people meet life with zest; others seem to live in a state of chronic dissatisfaction. Two people, confronted with identical problems, often react in entirely different ways. One will make the best of the immediate situation.
He will find some seeds for enjoyment in the most difficult circumstance. The other individual may lapse into a state of misery.
Those who are perpetually miserable, unhappy and bored with life do not need to remain that way. There may be little they can do at the moment to change their cir-cumstances, but there is a great deal which they could do about their own reactions. As a very realistic friend once said to me, "Misery is optional." Misery is inside one's self.
It is part of one's own feelings. We can all change the way we feel about things or people or circumstances.
This book is about people who have found it necessary to change the way they feel. They have learned that one's feelings are largely the result of certain complex patterns of habit. To change these emotional habits requires under-standing, patience and self-discipline. In simple language this book attempts to describe some of the practical ways in which one can replace misery with serenity.
There are many friends whose helpful ideas have gone into these pages. I would especially like to thank them. They have contributed to the common fund of practical knowledge without which emotional growth could only come by hard personal experience. Also, I would like to thank the two individuals who shared in the transcription of notes and the typing. They gave a great deal beyond this routine work by adding their helpful criticism of style and content. They are only nameless here because they prefer it that way.
I am indebted to Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. for permission to use excerpts from Kahlil Gibran's book, "The Prophet"; to Simon and Schuster, Inc. for material borrowed from David H. Fink's "Release From Nervous Tension," and to Dr. Alfred E. James, Assistant Chief Surgeon, Chino Mines Division, Kennecott Copper Corporation, for reviewing and making suggestions in connection with Chapter II. I also owe much in the way of appreciation to Clyde W. Gooderham, to the organization which he represents and to his wife, Marie, for their encouragement and faith in the project.
There are several other quotations and references for which I have given appropriate credit within the text whenever the author's name is known.
This book is in very good condition. There is some wear to the paperback cover with stains, fading and a small tear at the bottom of the spine. There is a name and address handwritten in the first page. There is no other writing or markings in the book.