There’s More to Quitting Drinking than Quitting Drinking by Dr. Paul O. - 2001
There’s More to Quitting Drinking than Quitting Drinking by Dr. Paul O.
Dr. Paul O. is known as the author of the story in the AA big book titled “Acceptance Was The Answer”.
This is a First Printing of the Capizon Edition, September 2001. This book was originally published in 1995 by Sabrina Publishing
Here is the Foreword to this edition:
My name is Jack N., and I'm an alcoholic. Thirty-one years and ten months after my last drink, Dr. Paul and I ended our sponsorship of each other. However, the strong lines of communication between us continue intact, even after his untimely death in May of 2000.
I communicate with him in prayer and meditation; and he with me through the written expression of his philosophy in this book and the many letters he sent my way during our thirty-two year relationship.
"There's More to Quitting Drinking..." was a long time in the making. Paul and I, and the others he has acknowledged spent a great deal of time discussing the many steps in the process of bringing this work to fruition, but the meat of the text is entirely his. Much like reading our Big Book, I find that each time I pick it up to browse, I find a new thought or greater depth to a point earlier established.
Browsing was Paul's intention for his readers. It was one of his favorite pastimes to pick up the Big Book or the Twelve & Twelve, focus on a phrase or even a word at random, and allow his Higher Power - always God to him - to expand on the meaning for him. From this action we have heard some of Dr. Paul's finest talks at round-ups, conventions, and in our group meetings. Many of these thoughts are to be found in the chapters dealing with communications and relationships. My greatest enlightenment was the recognition of the soft voices in my head. These were the "lower companions" that I had fallen in with at an earlier age, and who proved to be my downfall.
Now, a year after his death, I miss Paul more than I can describe. His words were always kind and understanding. His wisdom was impeccable. His friendship was staunch. He was forever grateful to me, and I to him. Those who read and cherish this work, as 1 have, will surely acquire a feeling of joy and peace in learning about and experiencing a new way of life - and as Dr. Paul did, they will learn how to make God laugh.
Jack N.
Los Angeles, CA
This book is in very good condition. There is minimal wear to the paperback cover. There is no writing or markings in the book.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.