Calvary Church Yesterday and Today by Samuel M. Shoemaker - First Printing - RDJ
Calvary Church Yesterday and Today by Samuel M. Shoemaker. This book is a first printing from 1936 with a photocopy reproduction dust jacket.
This rare book is a classic from Samuel Shoemaker and very hard to find.
About this book from the Foreword:
“THIS CENTENNIAL HISTORY of Calvary Church in New York marks the one hundredth year in the life of the parish, and contains the record of the past century.
Being the first church of any communion in this section of New York, then far "up-town," and standing for ninety years in its present location, its story will be found interesting far beyond the membership of the parish, and will commend itself to those who are interested in old New York, and especially in the neighborhood of Gramercy Park, many of whose historic characters, including the founder, Samuel B. Ruggles, have been closely associated with Calvary Church.
In recent years this local parish has come to have a wide reputation throughout the world, with an outreach all across our own country, and into many other lands. In distant places are many people who owe a personal spiritual debt to the parish, having been brought into touch with it through the new wave of spiritual life spreading through the world, which is called The Oxford Group. These people will find the last two chapters of the largest interest, being principally concerned with the church of the present time. But I should like the privilege, by means of this book, of introducing many of my friends to the past of Calvary Church, to the many fruitful lessons which are to be found in the study of it, to my distinguished and varied predecessors who have labored here, and into whose labors we of the present day have entered.“
Samuel Shoemaker was a prominent American Episcopal priest and a key figure in the Oxford Group movement, which later influenced the development of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other Twelve Step programs. Born on December 27, 1893, in Baltimore, Maryland, Shoemaker was raised in a family with a strong Christian background.
Shoemaker studied at Princeton University and later attended Virginia Theological Seminary, where he was ordained as an Episcopal priest in 1917. He served in various parishes before becoming the rector of Calvary Church in New York City in 1925, where he remained for over twenty years.
In the early 1930s, Shoemaker became involved with the Oxford Group, an informal Christian fellowship founded by Frank Buchman. The Oxford Group emphasized spiritual principles such as honesty, purity, unselfishness, and love, and it sought to bring about personal transformation through spiritual practices such as self-examination, confession, and surrender to God's will.
Shoemaker's involvement with the Oxford Group profoundly influenced his ministry and preaching style. He became known for his dynamic sermons, which emphasized the need for individuals to experience a personal encounter with God and to live out their faith in practical ways.
One of Shoemaker's most significant contributions was his role in introducing the principles of the Oxford Group to Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Shoemaker and other members of the Oxford Group had a significant influence on the early development of AA, particularly in shaping its spiritual foundations and emphasis on personal transformation. Bill W. wrote: “Dr. Sam Shoemaker was one of A.A.’s indispensables. Had it not been for his ministry to us in our early time, our Fellowship would not be in existence today.”
Throughout his life, Shoemaker remained dedicated to ministry and spiritual renewal. He authored numerous books and articles on Christian spirituality, including "Realizing Religion." He also played a key role in the founding of the Spiritual Mobilization movement in the 1940s, which sought to promote spiritual values in American society.
Samuel Shoemaker passed away on October 31, 1963, leaving behind a legacy of spiritual insight and compassionate ministry. He is remembered as a pioneer in the field of Christian spirituality and as a guiding figure in the early history of Alcoholics Anonymous.
This book is in good condition with some wear. The cover and spine shows some fading and stains. There is no writing or markings in the book.
Please view all of the photos for the conditions.