Confidence In God
Confidence in God
WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT taken from the Notes, Instructions and Letters of Rev. Daniel Considine, S. J.
Arranged by Rev. F. C. Devas, S. J.
Published by Sign Magazine
From the Foreword:
”THESE Words of Encouragement, reprinted by permission of the Catholic Truth Society of London, are selections made from Father Considine's notes, instructions and letters.
Father Considine's manner was marked by simplicity and directness: if he had a platitude to repeat, he did not attempt to disguise it in fine language; nor did he hesitate to stress a particular truth with an apparent disregard for other truths, which to the casual reader may prove disconcert-ing. Thus it would be difficult to discover in a textbook of theology the equivalent of the statement, "God is shy": while the lukewarm and frivolous might easily take false comfort when reading that "to resign myself to a distraction for God's sake is union with God."
The practical needs of the honest, but puzzled, individual were the object of Father Considine’s solicitude; such individuals will find in his printed words what others found in them when they were spoken-encouragement and enlightenment.”
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