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Living with an Alcoholic with the Help of Al-Anon - First Revised Printing from March 1960 - ODJ

Original price $195 - Original price $195
Original price
$195 - $195
Current price $195

This book is titled Living with an Alcoholic - with the help from Al-Anon. This is the First Revised Printing from March 1960 with an original dust jacket.


The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of wives, husbands, relatives and friends of members of Alcoholics Anonymous and of problem drinkers generally. Members of Al-Anon are banded together to solve their common problems of fear, insecurity, lack of understanding of the alcoholic, and of the warped family relationships associated with alcoholism.

The message of the Al-Anon Family Groups is a story of hope. It is the story of men and women who once felt helpless and powerless to deal with the alcoholism of their loved ones. Today these men and women no longer feel lost or lonely. They have learned that there are simple things they can do directly to help themselves and indirectly to help their alcoholic partners.

Many who are now members of Family Groups have already seen their loved ones achieve sobriety, but they have found that life with a sober alcoholic can present special problems of adjustment. Others still have active problem drinkers in their homes. All of them need the fellowship which Al-Anon affords. All of them find strength and comfort in one of Al-Anon's tenets, the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

This book is in very good condition with very little wear. There is a handwriting on the inside of the front cover of the book. There is no other writing or markings inside the book. This book contains its original dust jacket and is in very good condition with some edge wear, fading, & stains.

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