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Ninety Meetings Ninety Days by Ernie K. - from 1984

Original price $100 - Original price $100
Original price
$100 - $100
Current price $100

This is the popular recovery book 90 Meeting 90 Days, authored by Ernie K. This book was published in 1984.

Here you can read a portion of the Introduction:

“ALTHOUGH MY FIRST EXPOSURE WAS WITH another "Twelve-Step" program, there is no way that this journal can conceal that its author is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.).

Long before they chose the name "Alcoholics Anonymous," the first members of that fellowship - which is both the ultimate source and the proximate parent of all Twelve-Step programs — referred to their way of life as "The Day At A Time Program." The words journal and journey both derive from the French word jour, which means day. A journal records the events of a day. A journey originally implied the distance traveled in a day.

This is a journal that tells the story of a journey. Because that journey is more an interior one involving a way of life rather than a literal one through spaces and places, it is - like the journal recording it - highly personal. What brings such a personal journey/journal to publication?

Two of A.A.'s Traditions, in fact, ultimately underlie the decision to publish these thoughts in this form. The Eleventh Tradition, beyond enjoining "personal anonymity at the level of press," reminds that Alcoholics Anonymous flourishes by "attraction rather than promotion." These pages, offered anonymously, seek to promote nothing: whatever attraction they might have is founded only in the attractiveness - to one alcoholic - of growth in the A.A. way of life.

But A.A.'s Twelfth Tradition even more so, I hope, infuses these pages. Most obviously, the author presents himself anonymously because any who might choose to follow this journey - whether as spectators or as participants - will certainly wish to "place principles before personalities." In this journal, the journey is far more important than the journeyer.

More deeply, however, echoes the final Tradition's reminder: "Anonymity is the spiritual foundation. ..." Within Alcoholics Anonymous, "the spiritual" is — at the very least - the "foundation."

This book is in very good conditions with minimal wear. There is an old price sticker on the back cover. There is no writing or markings inside the book.

Please view all of the photos for the conditions.

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